Are YOU Connected?
Despite Honolulu being a vibrant city, about 16% of O’ahu residents may lack consistent and reliable internet connectivity.
Building a Connected Community Together
Mahalo to everyone in our community for helping us improve internet connectivity in Oahu. With your help, we completed Phases 1 and 2 and collected over 450 surveys from people all over the island.
This helped us identify places where high-speed internet is hard to get.
Together, we also learned about different problems that plague our communities ranging from accessibility, affordability, and literacy.
More Accessible Internet
The internet isn’t a luxury. We all need it for modern life. But an estimated 90,000 of our neighbors do not have access to the internet at home.
With fast, reliable online access, more people will be able to learn on the internet. Apply for jobs online or start businesses. Stay in touch with their loved ones with email and social media. And much more.
Fixing this digital gap is key to bringing everyone together in our community.
Available Federal Funds
The State of Hawaiʻi will receive $149.5 million in Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment funds over the next five years. This money comes from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) as part of a nationwide campaign to get all Americans access to high speed internet.
This money will help install more internet technology in areas that have a slow or no connection to the internet. This funding will get more people online in underserved areas and ensure reliable service in key community locations like schools, libraries, medical facilities, and emergency services.
The City and County of Honolulu is partnering with the University of Hawaiʻi and the Hawaiʻi State Office of Broadband and Digital Equity. Follow the timeline to see what the City is doing to support our partners, get more federal funds for internet access, and help all of our neighbors get online.
Phase 3: Complete
Phase 3 has concluded successfully, which was committed toward organizing numerous outreach events to encourage communities and Community Anchor Institutions (CAI) to participate in the BEAD Challenge Process. OER also continued with the C.A.R.E. program, empowering residents across Oahu with the information and resources necessary to protect themselves online.
Check out the comprehensive reports for Phases 1, 2, and 3, which provide more detailed information about our findings as well as the outcome of each phase.
How to participate
O'ahu Digital Equity Coalition
A City-led group of nonprofits, community leaders, and government partners that are supporting digital equity on our island.
Digital Navigators
This innovative program will train Pacific Islander navigators who will then train their community in online skills and how to find a good job through online job services. It’s a partnership between Safe Haven, our team at OER, and the National League of Cities.
Cybersecurity Awareness
The number of internet scammers grows every day. OER is working with CyberHawaii and other partners to educate small businesses and other audiences on how to protect themselves and their customers online.
Programs, Initiatives, and Campaigns
Get Help with Phone and Internet Bills
Lifeline is a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. Families that qualify can save up to $110 a year on phone, internet, or phone-internet services.
Connect Kākou
A State of Hawaiʻi initiative to ensure people from all walks of life have reliable and affordable access to high-speed internet. The significant funding will help to connect the unconnected and make sure everyone, from keiki to kupuna can unlock life-changing possibilities.
Broadband Hui
A grassroots effort comprised of diverse group of participants established during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, to discuss opportunities and challenges faced by those in the community and offer solutions to digital inequity across Hawaii.
June 7, 2024
Honolulu, Oahu
The City and County of Honolulu joined other counties and the Lieutenant Governor’s office in a BEAD Challenge Process Portal training provided by the University of Hawai’i Broadband team. The BEAD Challenge process is slated to begin tentatively on July 15, 2024. Read more.
April 18, 2024
Waianae, Oahu
OER joined other leaders on the west side of Oahu at the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center to talk story of digital equity initiatives. The group discussed topics around Accessibility, Affordability, and Literacy, and explored the importance of community outreach and partnerships in bridging the digital divide.
November 7, 2023
Honolulu, Oahu
As a member of the initiative team, the City and County of Honolulu joined the Office of the Lieutenant Governor in promoting Connect Kākou, a campaign that aims to bring high-speed internet to underserved communities across the State. Read more.
October 5, 2023
Līhuʻe, Kauaʻi
The City and County of Honolulu participated in the 2023 Broadband Hoike. The City and County presented a part of their findings from a series of community engagements as part of Phase 1. Watch the video.