Social Media Policy
The Office of Economic Revitalization (OER) uses social media to communicate information and messages about OER programs and events to interested parties through their preferred channels. OER welcomes your comments, however, please note these are moderated social media networks, not public forums.
If you need an official source of information about OER and its initiatives, please visit www.revitalizeoahu.org or contact the OER at (808) 768-5764 or oer@honolulu.gov.
OER welcomes thoughtful, helpful, and engaging conversation,in accordance with its social media policy. OER respectfully reminds commenters that social media channels are open to the public and asks all commenters to be courteous and civil toward one another. Conversations and comments that are disruptive to the goals of OER and fellow followers will be removed. OER may remove comments or conversations, or block followers at any time. The OER will use a social media channel’s filters, if available, and may also remove comments if those comments are deemed inappropriate.
Users of these social media channels should expect to see posts discussing such topics, including the following:
Announcements about upcoming OER and/or programs, workshops, or community events;
Live coverage of OER activities.
OER social media accounts are managed by OER communications staff. OER accounts are generally monitored during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. OER will attempt to respond to comments and messages in a timely manner.
Any comment posted by members of the public on an OER social media page is the opinion of the poster only. Publication of a comment does not imply endorsement by the OER, nor do such comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the OER.
Standards of Conduct
As a government agency, OER must abide by certain standards of conduct to serve its constituents in a civil and unbiased manner. Comments made by the public to OER social media pages will be reviewed, and while comments will not be edited by the OER communications staff, we reserve the right to hide/remove comments that may include but are not limited to:
-Copyrighted material (if posted without the copyright holder’s consent);
-Defamation (libel/slander);
-Fighting words;
-Incitement to imminent lawless action;
-Solicitations to commit, or speech integral to, criminal conduct or conduct in violation of any federal, state, or local law; or
-Threatening language.
The OER communications staff may take steps to have a comment removed if it falls within one of the above categories. In addition, OER will activate a social media channel’s filters, if available, which also may remove comments, if those comments are deemed inappropriate.
OER may take steps to remove posts that advertise a particular business, product, or personal interest; are spam messaging; are comments by “social bots” (content posted by automatic software programs, or “bots”), or are off-topic or irrelevant to the content posted by OER staff, as necessary.
OER is active on several social media channels, which are owned and operated by entities with their own policies and standards concerning what may and may not be posted, as well as the actions that it may take regarding unauthorized posts. Please be sure to review their community standards, which are available through the following links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards/
Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/help/instagram/477434105621119/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/policies/#community-guidelines
Following Back
OER appreciates and recognizes those in the community who choose to follow the office’s accounts on social media. As a municipal government entity, OER will follow and follow back:
-Municipalities of the State of Hawaiʻi, including individual departments and divisions of local municipal government;
-Related government agencies and nonprofits;
-Community groups
-Local and national media outlets; and
-People who follow OER accounts.
OER does not initiate the following of for-profit businesses on social media, nor does OER endorse any referenced individuals, businesses, products, or organizations found on its social media pages.
For more information about OER on social media, please contact the OER communications staff at (808) 768-5764 or oer@honolulu.gov.